Friday, June 18, 2010


While sailing the Poptropica seas in attempt to obtain 1,000,000 doubloons, I came across this strange island. I stopped, took a picture, and rested. Unfortunately, my shipmates and I were suddenly attacked by no other than Captain Crawfish! It was a miracle we made it out alive. Could this island possibly be Skullduggery Island itself?


  1. Hey CS! I made PJs outfit. I got her shirt from the navigator girl, and the skirt from Fort Ridley and the hair from Bouffant Bay. :)
    BTW I ♥ CS's outfit!
    -Popular Joker

  2. The first time I beat it it took me a few days but with PJ it took me less then a day. 26,000 is great. My favorite ship was/is the Koi. :)
    -Popular Joker


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