Hello, and welcome to Calm Starfish's Super Amazing Incredibly Awesome Poptropica Partay! However, I regret to inform you that I am required to update you
members about the newest PCB post: A Steamworks surprise is coming up for you members. Ugh, there. I said it. Now that that's out of the way, we can have a good time just as promised. Let's go!

First, I will choose one RANDOM member of the audience. *Coughs*
*Friendly Goose stands, tries to be inconspicuous while reading off an index card*
Friendly: Um, I will, er, volunteer, Clam.
Me: Calm!
Friendly (irritated) Well you wrote Clam!
Me: Whatever. Get up here!
*Friendly climbs up onto stage and stands next to me*
Friendly: So... What do I do?
Me: I want you to put on this blindfold-
Friendly: Say what?
Me: -Ride this bicycle sidesaddle with no handlebars-
Friendly: Huh?
Me: -And recite the Greek alphabet every other letter. Backwards.
Friendly: ...
Me: Alright! Hop to it!
Friendly: How about I ride the right way, no blindfold, and say the regular alphabet?
Me: NO! That's boring!
Audience: Yeah! Do it! Don't chicken out!
Friendly (glaring): Thanks, guys.
*Friendly allows me to tie blindfold on her, climbs onto bike, and rides it steadily for about two seconds. Suddenly she hits a hole in the wooden floor, and is launched off the bike, into the crowd*
Me: Ooh, that's gotta hurt!